
Getting Smart With… Video #1

Welcome to the first part of our exciting video series, Getting Smart With… Join insights from Jonathan Villa, Practice Director Cloud Security, and Michael Erker, Practice Lead, AWS as they dive deep into building robust Cloud Security frameworks.

Get ready to explore a wide range of topics like the significance of technical control frameworks, and their alignment with the Cloud Security Alliance. Understand the difference between risk mitigation and compliance adherence and the need for justification for controls. Learn how they map to CSA CCM, the matrix of cloud controls. Get an insider view on AWS native services versus third-party tools for security monitoring and response. Dive into the latest AWS enhancements like EKS Protection in Amazon Guard Duty, on-demand malware scanning for EC2 instances, AWS Inspector and RDS support for Guard Duty. Discover the power of Control Tower, a key governance tool, providing standardized processes and continuous compliance evaluation for AWS accounts. Understand the role of IAM policies, networking, and service control policies in securing AWS environments and keeping them free from threat.

Witness the discussion on the challenges of scaling IAM and SCP policies and the importance of infrastructure code scanning for secure deployments. Also, catch a glimpse of the future with the potential of AI assistants in IC scanning.

You’ll be “Getting Smart With…” Cloud Security like never before. Part 1 of our 3-part series is here — don’t miss out on this knowledge-packed adventure. Stay tuned for our next episode where we’ll be discussing best practices for securing your cloud environment.