Application Security Architecture Review

From buildings to software, prior to any construction beginning, confirming that the architecture and design is consistent with expectations can help avoid costly rework and potential delays.

Identify & Assess Application Security Weaknesses

Our application security architecture reviews are used to identify and assess security weaknesses due to architectural flaws in an application. This effort leverages our application security principles and risk assessment processes, resulting in specific mitigation or remediation advice meant to strengthen the security posture of your web/cloud application overall and reduce risk.

Identify & Assess Application Security Weaknesses

When Should An Application Security Architecture Assessment Be Performed?

An application or cybersecurity architecture review primarily focuses on the review of security controls present within the architecture of a system or application. It’s best to conduct a cybersecurity or application security architecture assessment during your design stage. Otherwise, you’ll end up spending much more if you decide to implement security to create a secure cloud-based or web application once your development process is further underway.

We recommend that organizations conduct an application security architecture assessment if they:

  • Have previously suffered a security breach relating to their application
  • Are in the midst of planning an application redesign
  • Are juggling organizational expansion needs that require major changes to their application’s development
  • Are interested in mitigating the burdens that come with regulatory compliance
  • Believe that their application already has existing vulnerabilities

When performing a cloud or web application security architecture assessment, remember to focus on areas such as your application’s architecture documents, input validation, authentication and authorization, and your application’s framework and libraries. It’s also a good idea to conduct a cybersecurity architecture review if your organization is going to undergo a merger or acquisition, or if your organization has recently had changes applied to its network environment.


Context is Always Key

Once we have understood the business context and risk profile, we’ll begin deconstructing the application into components, data flows, and trust boundaries.

Using relevant attack patterns and best practices, we then assess the presence of security control categories at various layers in the design, such as:

  • Deployment & Infrastructure
  • Input Validation
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Configuration Management
  • Sensitive Data
  • Session Management
  • Cryptography
  • Parameter Manipulation
  • Exception Management
  • Auditing & Logging

Results That Strengthen Your Application Security Architecture

Organizations that develop software must rely on application security assessments if they want to produce software that is free of security vulnerabilities and flaws. In today’s hyper-connected world, software applications are an inextricable component of our day-to-day routines. This means that the software apps that we frequently use are attractive targets that threat actors want to take advantage of.

It’s therefore essential that you conduct application security architecture assessments to ensure that your applications’ code contains as few errors as possible and doesn’t give cybercriminals the opportunity to exploit your code. It’s imperative that you make your application security architecture assessments a vital component of your software design and development processes.

By regularly conducting application security architecture assessments, you prevent your developers from needing to revisit the code that they work on, which can be both time-consuming and incredibly costly. We strive to engage with organizations like yours to design and develop top-end application security, and we conduct vulnerability and risk assessments to catch potential risks early on in order to develop practical solutions to mitigate those risks.


Put an ELITE Highly-Trained Team on Your Side

More than 70% of our workforce consists of tenured cybersecurity engineers, architects and consultants