Your journey to the cloud is an important one… and security should NOT be an afterthought. We can guide your journey with the right services and solutions available through AWS Marketplace.

Secure Your AWS Cloud. Protect Your Business.

An organization’s cloud security needs to be built on a solid foundation that protects both operations and customers, while supporting current and future business needs. Read this white paper—Defining Your AWS Cloud Strategy in Five Phases—to learn:

  • The five implementation phases of an AWS Cloud Security architecture.
  • How to identify an effective cloud security approach based on cloud environment needs and current operational models.
  • How GuidePoint Security, an Authorized AWS Consulting Partner, can help you innovate and deliver on your cloud security strategy for the AWS Cloud.

Download the White Paper

Your Trusted Advisor

GuidePoint Security is an Authorized AWS Consulting Partner. We help you cost-effectively improve your security and risk posture by:

  • Evaluating and selecting software available through AWS Marketplace
  • Quoting and contracting cybersecurity services through Marketplace
  • Implementing, supporting, managing and securing your software

Centralize and Streamline Procurement & Fulfillment

As an AWS Marketplace Consulting Partner, we enable you to access cloud software solutions and our trusted cybersecurity services from one centralized location. We make it easy for you to purchase and be billed for both software and related cybersecurity services. You can further streamline your purchase of software with standard contract terms to simplify and accelerate procurement cycles.

Explore our cybersecurity services and solutions across a wide range of vetted technologies:
Icon – Application Security Icon
Application Security

The convergence of responsibility for any organization defining their application security should result in an operational state where every task or test ensures that all software releases are secure.

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Cloud Security Icon
Cloud Security Services

IT workloads are moving to the cloud faster than ever and in order to lead your organization to a secure cloud, your security practices must be ready to address this shift.

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Data Security Icon
Data Security Solutions

Introducing more data security controls without affecting business productivity is challenging. We can help you improve data protection in a way that best fits your needs and environment.

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Email Security Icon
Email Security

Email is a critical function for communicating and conducting business. It’s also a primary vector for attacks and for data exfiltration. We can help you ensure the protection of email content and accounts from unauthorized access.

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Endpoint Security Icon
Endpoint Security

The traditional network security perimeter is no more. Visibility and control of your endpoints have become critical. We can help you identify and manage the right endpoint security technologies for your unique requirements.

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Compliance Icon
Governance, Risk & Compliance

Ensure your information security program is aligned with industry best practices, regulations and compliance mandates to support your organization’s business goals.

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Identity Management Icon
Identity & Access Management (IAM)

Implement Identity & Access Management (IAM) services that best fit your business and see the true ROI from your IAM program with GuidePoint Security.

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Security Response Icon
Incident Response & Threat Intelligence

The ability to effectively identify and respond to incidents early within the threat lifecycle begins with your security operations and incident response capabilities.

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Managed Security Icon
Managed Security Services

A strong security program depends on more than just the right tools. It also requires skilled resources to manage your environment.

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Network Security Icon
Network & Infrastructure Security

Your network infrastructure is critical to the operation of your business. We can help ensure the integrity and security of your physical and virtual networks.

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Operational Technology (OT) Security Services

Secure your Critical Infrastructure with an OT Architecture Review, OT GRC Assessments, and OT Penetration Testing services.

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Security Education Icon
Security Awareness & Education

Instructor-led security awareness and education services provide access to key technologies, specifically customized to address your organization’s needs.

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Security Operations Icon
Security Operations Center (SOC) Services

Unlock the power of the tools within your SOC to gain greater visibility into information security events, reduce the time to remediate incidents and improve your overall security posture.

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Staff Augmentation Icon
Staff Augmentation

Our team of industry-leading consultants, engineers and analysts are ready to support your current staff and address your cybersecurity requirements.

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Penetration Test Icon
Vulnerability Management & Penetration Testing

Identify and prioritize your vulnerabilities for effective remediation — before attackers can leverage them.

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