Identity Management Icon Identity & Access Management (IAM) Services

Properly implemented and managed IAM solutions enable you to control user access to critical information and systems without impeding business operations.

Enabling Business Operations Through Access Governance & Process Automation

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a key business enabler and fundamental to conducting business operations in a secure manner. IAM improves business agility by reducing operational costs through process automation and enhancing user experience and productivity through self-service - all while improving your security posture and mitigating risk. Our identity and access management services can help you realize a return on investment and gain value out of your Identity Access Management program through our attribute-based approach:

  • IAM Program Assessment
  • IAM Strategy & Roadmap Development
  • IAM Architecture Review & Health Check 
  • IAM Solution Implementation
  • IAM Proof of Concepts

Identity & Access Management Solutions

Bryan Orme, Principal and Partner at GuidePoint Security, presents an overview of our
Identity & Access Management Practice.

Identity and Access Management
Key Value Drivers

Staying on top of Identity Access Management is just one of the many moving parts that go into a full security program. GPVUE leverages our expertise across a wide range of cybersecurity disciplines in order to provide an integrated program that is designed to meet the unique security needs of your organization. See how GPVUE can evaluate and improve your overall security program.

Identity & Access Management Technologies

There are different tools to manage identities and access to your systems.

IAM tools require continuous management and optimization.

Identity Governance & Administration (IGA)

Implementation of an Identity and Access Governance solution includes integration with authoritative sources for user identity information and lifecycle events. In addition, IGA solutions typically include out-of-the-box connectors for many well-known  applications and systems such as Active Directory, LDAP, various RDBMS, Mainframe and web applications, as well as role management and policies for enforcing segregation of duties controls.

Privileged Account Management (PAM)

Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions include capabilities such as password vault, privileged activity monitoring, and privileged session management.

Access Management

Access Management solutions provide authentication and authorization capabilities through single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, and federated single sign-on. The combination of single sign-on’s convenience and multi-factor authentication’s security provides organizations with increased confidence and improved security posture. Single sign-on and multi-factor authentication approach the issues of organizational security and authentication differently. However, they both work together to provide businesses with a more robust and convenient access management solution. The key standards of our security access management solutions include SAML, OAuth, and OpenID Connect for implementing various user access scenarios including those that rely on cloud access management.

Our Approach as Your Trusted Advisor

Magnifying glass finding an error

Expose any Potential Risk

We assess your existing cybersecurity posture and architecture, identify gaps and vulnerabilities and eliminate solutions that don’t work well together.

Arrow racing to a solution

Align & Optimize Resources

We validate your policies and controls based on regulatory compliance standards and guidelines as well as with adherence to identity and access management best practices. Additionally, we help align your solutions to your in-house capability.

Solutions being monitored on an infinite loop

Integrate Best-Fit Solutions

We review, analyze, compare and vet current and emerging technologies, provide recommendations on products and controls that minimize your risk, and integrate and optimize solutions to fit your needs and environment.

We Take That Approach
with Every Service We Provide


Put an ELITE Highly-Trained Team on Your Side

More than 70% of our workforce consists of tenured cybersecurity engineers, architects and consultants

Identity and Access Management Benefits

The modern business landscape is a competitive one – as a business operating in this landscape, it is imperative that you scale rapidly. However, scaling too quickly – especially in today’s world of hyperconnected devices, applications, and points of access – leaves you with an ecosystem that is unnecessarily complicated and practically bursting at the seams. Rather than force your IT staff to manage countless devices, people, and points of access, you can instead choose a cutting-edge IAM solution that resolves your current security challenges while helping you scale to tackle future ones.

Improved Information Sharing
With so many connected devices, user groups, and applications across your enterprise, the process of information sharing can easily become convoluted and confusing. It is common for data acquisition and file-sharing to become increasingly difficult as user groups expand. With an identity and access management program, businesses can more easily facilitate information sharing and improve collaboration among applications, devices, and business units. IAM solutions rely on authentication standards that we help you define to enable user identity-predicated information sharing so you can grant authorized access to resources.

Proactive Risk Identification & Mitigation
An identity and access management solution is critical to defending your most valuable data from new and dynamic security threats. IAM security solutions empower businesses with proactive means to identify and mitigate threats which, in turn, make it easier to flag policy violations and eliminate incorrect access privileges — all without the need to search through different distributed systems. Additionally, identity and access management services allow businesses to verify that they have put in place the appropriate security measures to comply with regulatory and audit requirements.

Define Your IAM Program’s Priorities & Scope
The continuity of your business operations depends on your ability to mitigate data leaks and unauthorized access to your sensitive information. We allow you to define the priorities and scope of your identity and access management program in order to arm your IT staff with the necessary tools to manage and monitor user roles and activities as well as consistently enforce your program-defined policies.

Lower Service Costs
Identity and access management functions similarly to an insurance policy for your company: your IAM solution’s main platform, which controls your system of IAM services, reduces service costs by eliminating the need for outsourcing and expenditures toward obsolete and unreliable systems that require constant maintenance. Additionally, IAM-provided security allows you to more frequently avoid the pitfalls that arise in the event an employee commits fraud or violates regulations. 

Develop Strong Security Policies & Practices
As new cyber threats evolve and become more dynamic, it becomes essential that you safeguard personal customer and employee data. An identity and access management solution like ours helps you meet privacy and protection regulations with high-quality security practices and policies that mitigate data breaches.