GuidePoint Recognized in Shriners Gold Book
Posted by: GuidePoint Security
GuidePoint Security is proud to be permanently inscribed in the Shriners Gold Book for our contributions & care provided for burn children.
Shriners Hospitals for Children was born out of the Shrine’s love for children, but depend today on the generosity of individual donors. To recognize the importance of these donors, Shriners Hospitals created a unique Donor Recognition Program. Each of the 22 Shriners Hospitals has a Book of Gold in its lobby. Engraved on the open pages of this book is the inscription, “In this Book of Gold are recorded the names of those who have been mercifully mindful of little children who needed help. For them, we pray God’s Blessings.” Inside is listed the names of persons who have benefited the hospitals by making legacies, bequests or outright gifts.
This certificate was awarded in recognition of both monetary donations and mission support contributed to Shriners Healthcare for Children in Tampa, GuidePoint Security is included in the Book of Gold.