As Russian cybercriminals become emboldened, US banks prepare for potential attack
February 21, 2022 – Published on SC Media
In recent days, the Russia-Ukraine standoff in the physical world has also spilled into the cyber realm, with politicians and cybersecurity experts alike warning of potential attacks against the U.S. financial industry.
As a result, banks are seeking support in better addressing potential vulnerabilities. Victor Wieczorek, Vice President of Threat and Attack Simulation at cybersecurity firm GuidePoint Security, works with financial institutions on table top exercises to simulate a Russian cyberattack. “We’re seeing a lot of action and activity on the cyber front,” he says. “As tensions rise and there’s more poking and prodding… we’re seeing a long tail here.”
Wieczorek is seeing many conventional security rules “flipped on their head,” as U.S. financial firms try to raise security awareness and test employees about potential fraudulent incursions.
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