Larger Organizations Most Likely to Be Affected by Ransomware Attacks
January 13, 2023 – Published on TechTarget: Health IT Security
The number of ransomware attacks has dropped by more than 60 percent between 2021 to 2022, according to a survey conducted on Delinea’s behalf by Censuswide.
Even though ransomware has reportedly declined according to Delinea survey responses, other evidence suggests that ransomware attacks continue to be the most prolific threat across all infrastructure verticals, with the healthcare sector as a top target.
According to GuidePoint Security, the healthcare industry was the second targeted by ransomware attacks in Q3. Ransomware groups such as Everest, BianLain, and LockBit were responsible for most of the attacks on the healthcare sector.
While ransomware attacks are declining, the report found that eight groups published increases of five or more victims in October compared to September. According to the report, these groups had 62 more victims than the month prior.
“While two of the biggest ransomware actors saw a combined 53 percent decrease in reported victims, the total victims published across GRIT’s dataset only decreased by 7.3 percent, indicating a major increase among the remaining ransomware organizations,” the report stated. “If this shift continues, we may see a major increase in targeting from groups toward organizations impacting potential loss of life, such as Healthcare, Utilities, and Energy.”
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