Today Is Anti-Ransomware Day
May 12, 2023 – Published on The IT Nerd
Ransomware isn’t just a “thing” as the kiddies would say. It’s an insanely prevalent and dangerous threat. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, I’ve illustrated the costs and effects of ransomware. Thus anything that highlights the need to be better protected against ransomware is a win in my books. Which is why I applaud the fact that Anti-Ransomware Day exists as it really brings this threat to light and reminds all of us to do whatever we can to make sure that this day is no longer required.
I got the thoughts of Nic Finn, Senior Threat Intelligence Consultant, GuidePoint Research and Intelligence Team (GRIT) at GuidePoint Security on Anti-Ransomware Day.
“As we step into the fourth Anti-Ransomware Day, it’s clear that ransomware is still a dominant threat for organizations across the globe. Looking at GRIT’s ransomware dataset, we’ve observed a steady increase in victims published by ransomware groups. In 2021, from January 1st – May 12th, GRIT observed just over 700 reported victims. In 2022, that number increased to just over 1,000. So far, in 2023, we’ve observed more than 1,300 reported victims. This increase of roughly 300 reports per year also correlates to a shift in active groups, with Lockbit bounding to the most active group in 2022 and increasing their lead in 2023.”
Read More HERE.